Institute for GOD

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Ministry Project Reflections: Institute Students Visit the Elderly in Nashville

Institute for GOD Int’l students engage in heartfelt conversation with Ms. Elizabeth. Their interaction demonstrates the meaningful connections formed through acts of service and the invaluable bond between generations.

Written by Institute Student, Blake Botzum

Radnor Tower is a residential community primarily serving widows and the elderly. Each week, students from the Institute for Global Outreach Developments Int’l gather here to serve and share the love of Jesus with these valued members of our community.

Despite their desire for independence, many elderly residents struggle with maintaining their homes due to age-related limitations. The Institute for Global Outreach Developments Int’l has proactively addressed this by offering practical help and support, transforming routine visits into opportunities for genuine companionship and spiritual engagement.

Our students arrive at Radnor Tower each week equipped with cleaning supplies and a commitment to make a meaningful difference. However, these ministry projects extend beyond physical tasks; they're about fostering relationships, providing companionship, and expressing the love of Jesus through tangible actions.

The interactions during these visits are as beneficial for the residents as they are for the students. Engaging in conversations, sharing prayers, and exchanging life experiences, both parties experience mutual enrichment and a reminder of their valued place in the community.

Many residents, often isolated from their families and regular social interactions, find solace and a renewed sense of belonging through these visits. The students' presence serves as a powerful reminder that they are cherished and remembered not just by the community but also by God.

As the semester progresses, the relationship between the students and residents deepens, marked by warm welcomes and shared moments of joy. These interactions evolve into a mutual exchange of respect, affection, and wisdom, profoundly impacting everyone involved.

Looking ahead, we are filled with gratitude and enthusiasm for the chance to continue our acts of kindness and compassion. We aim to remind our elderly friends of their inherent worth and dignity through ongoing engagement and service. As we carry on with our mission, we are reminded of the profound impact that love and service can have, bringing hope and joy to everyone we meet.