Institute for GOD

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News on our beloved faculty member and brother Robert Munoz

Dear Institute Family,

This letter is to inform you of a tragedy that has taken place in our Institute family related to a beloved faculty member, co-laborer, and brother Robert Munoz. 

On July 4, the G.O.D. Summer Interns (including several Institute students) and a mission team from the Academy for G.O.D. were enjoying a recreational day at the beach after a powerful week of ministry in El Salvador. Everyone at the beach was given rules and warnings about the ocean and staying shallow, including having two in-water personnel to create the outer boundaries and keep students within it, plus several other personnel in a lifeguard watch role. 

Tragically, two trip facilitators, Michael Davis and Robert Muñoz - having of their own volition chosen to go beyond the restricted boundaries, were caught in a rip current. Three lifeguards rescued them out of the water, Michael conscious and Robert unconscious. Several attempted to help, performing CPR, and transferred Rob quickly to a hospital. 

Our team, including RN Jordan Miller, Midwife Celesta Bargatze, and a team of development workers trained in emergency situations performed CPR on Rob while swiftly transferring him to the hospital. Rob’s best friend, Institute Founder and President Gregg Garner never left his side. Sadly, Rob passed away on the evening of July 4th.

Robert Munoz was the inspiration for the medical missions enacted by G.O.D. International, and served as Public Health Instructor at the Institute from its inception in 2004 until today. Thanks to his love and care for seeing the poor made well, Rob inspired many students in their medical pursuits. 

Rob loved the Lord. He was never too busy to sincerely ask students how they were doing and pray for them. Rob also taught the classes “Christian Development” and “Principles of Preaching,” from which students have countless stories of his love for God and for them. Students have been recounting his joy, his prayers, his sincere interest in how they’re doing, and his readiness and passion to worship, no matter the place or the hour. To say he will be missed is a gross understatement -- Rob is irreplaceable.  

Rob and Heather’s families, along with the Community Church for GOD, are surrounding the Muñoz family in prayer and support. There is a link below where you can support Heather and the kids if they feel so led. 

We are equipping our students with resources to help them navigate this difficult time. We are also providing grief counselors for students to help them to process this loss while holding to the hope that we have in God. There is also a book list below, should you or someone you know need them as this news is processed. We know that Rob touched so many lives.

We ask for your mercy and your prayers as our team has had to navigate the loss of one of our founding pillars and best friends, alongside caring for the students God has sent us. We have done it to the best of our ability with God’s help. 

Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. 27 And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.


Helen Fitzgerald. The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and their Friends. 
Alan D. Wolfelt. Healing A Friend’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas for Helping Someone You Love Through Loss. 
The Dougy Center. 35 Ways to Help a Grieving Child. 
Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler. The Five Stages of Grief. 

The Dougy Center - Grief Support and Resources for Kids, Teens, Young Adults, and Parents.
Five Stages of Grief: Abbreviated Summary.