Institute for GOD

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Student Testimony: Olivia

I have been so thankful for the gift of education in God’s word I get to receive. I’m thankful to the Lord for the gift of his word and Jesus’ example. I’m thankful for my teachers and leaders who faithfully and sacrificially continue to teach me how to understand and apply the Bible to my life.

I’m thankful for the community I’m surrounded by. They remain consistent, living out that same Word I am so blessed to be learning. I’m thankful to have learned that when hardship comes, I want to give up but I’ve learned a different resolve.

I’ve had a difficult past week, but I’ve been reflecting on the Bible and all I’ve learned. I’ve realized I have a certain “muscle memory” response to hardship that is different than what God’s Word says my response should be. I wrote this and wanted to share it with you.

Even though my muscles clench still
And my body wants to curl up
My mind is somewhere different now
And it’s telling me to . . . dance?
What on earth - why?
Why would I dance?
Oh only because I still have a Father who never ever fails me
Oh only because I can find great comfort in knowing that I have the most amazing big brother in Jesus
Oh only because God loved us enough to humble himself and give us the gift of his Son
Oh only because Jesus is ALIVE and that will never change despite any waves that come
Oh only because even some have fallen away from the faith- there are many more who are still near and need to be encouraged
Oh only because you told us that the Kingdom of God is not over there or over here but it is among us
Oh only because I am so thankful for those who have gone before us and given us an inheritance that we can receive now
Oh only because you have gifted us your word and it changes everything
Oh only because You are who are and You’ll be who you’ll be - and SHOOT, YEAH I’m gonna take off my shoes for that!
I’ll do whatever I need to do to get close to you YHWH.
So again I say Rejoice my soul

Even though my muscle memory wants to cling to control and worry,
I’m not having it - I’ve learned better.
And again I say rejoice.