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Why Gen Z Learns Differently…

Why do Gen Z-ers learn differently? Simple answer - they are different (but, you know, in a good way). Gen Z-ers are the first to grow up in the digital age, which as you can imagine, significantly affects the way they see, understand, and interact with the world around them. These digital natives hardly remember a world before social media and smartphones. It wasn’t slowly integrated into their world the way it was with Millennials, Gen X, or Boomers. The technological advancements that have taken place over the past few generations have created a world (and a digital world) which is vastly different then the one their parents or grandparents know how to comprehend. 

This is good news when it comes to education, as there are now countless digital tools and online resources which can assist teachers and administrators. But, it can pose an issue if the previous generations who are governing these educational institutions are unable to adapt in time to ensure these up-and-coming students are instilled with adequate knowledge and skills for the workforce. Without consideration, it’s possible some Gen Z students won’t be properly prepared for the professional world because their educators hold onto outdated methods, ignoring the cultural shifts technology has made. Dated and ineffective educational strategies could handicap these upcoming generations if new techniques do not get implemented, ones which not only consider the mindset these students are coming from, but also the future they are growing into. 

5 Things to Know about Gen Z in the Classroom

Gen Z has grown up in this age of information, and has been exposed to a wide array of media which has not only shaped the way they think, but has also transformed the way they learn. Thankfully, through research and surveys, there have been lots of information collected as to some of these educational preferences Gen Z. These obviously don’t define all Gen Z students, but compared to generations past, the majority seems to be more defined by these traits than their predecessors.

1. Technology

Gen Z has grown up with technology, so if it’s not properly integrated into the classroom, it will likely affect engagement. 

2. Practical

Growing up in the age of information, Gen Z has learned how to filter what is important and what isn’t. You need to include why the material you are teaching them is useful if you expect them to pay attention. 

3. Interactive

Many prefer classroom settings where they are able to participate in their learning experience, rather than just sitting on the receiving end of a lecture.  

4. Self-Reliant

Rather than simply being force fed facts, many Gen Z enjoy researching and exploring topics and ideas for themselves.  

5. Collaboration

Many Gen Z students enjoy sharing ideas and working with others. Whether through video calls, google docs, or even in person, students seem to be getting more and more comfortable with collaborating with others.


Meola, Andrew. “Generation Z News: Latest characteristics, research, and facts.” 5 January 2022 (visited 13 September 2022),they%20spend%20their%20time%20online

“Teaching the Next Generation: How Gen Z Learns.” Chalk. Updated: 23 March 2022 (visited: 14 September 2022).,it's%20their%20preferred%20learning%20method

“Getting to Know Gen. Z - Exploring Middle and High Schoolers Expectations for Higher Education.” Barnes & Noble College. 2015 (visited: 20 September 2022). 

“New Data! 18 Gen Z Characteristics & Stats (+How to Market to Them)” Wordstream. Updated: 9 August 2022 (visited: 14 September 2022),by%20the%20end%20of%202022

Nicholas, Arlene J., "Preferred Learning Methods of Generation Z" (2020). Faculty and Staff - Articles & Papers. 74. 

(accessed: 14 September 2022)

Kozinsky, Sieva. “How Generation Z Is Shaping The Change In Education.” Forbes. 24 July 2017 (visited: 14 September 2022). 

Schukei, Abby. “What You Need To Understand About Generation Z Students.” The Art of Education. 14 December 2020 (visited: 14 September 2022).  

“3 Generation Z traits today's teachers need to adapt to.” University of Massachusetts Global. (visited 14 September 2022).