A Prayer for Friendships

Friends laughing together

How Can we Find Friends?

Every human being needs friends. Sometimes it can feel like it’s impossible to genuinely connect with others, whether it’s because of personal insecurities or seemingly impenetrable cliques. But the truth is, God wants people to be close to one another, to be honest with each other and let love be genuine (Eph. 4:15, Rom. 12:9). But how can we make that happen?

God’s direction is always the most powerful tool for connecting people with one another. Even when friendship feels far off and unrealistic, those relationships can be created, because God gives good gifts and he wants friendships for his followers (James 1:17, John 15:13). 

With all of our needs, God wants to provide. Here is the prayer we pray for the kind of relationships God wants us to have. 

63 I am a companion of all who fear you, 
of those who keep your precepts. 
(Psalm 119:63)

Prayer for Friendships

Jesus, closest friend, you know me and you know what I need. You know all your people, they are not far from you. Work in my life to give me the relationships you want me to have. Help me to hear you and follow your example of having friends, people who will do what you say. Encourage me as a friend to find all that I need in you, as I trust you to help me connect with others. Amen. 

Institute for GOD student Walt Reynolds wrote this piece as a part of the ABHE + Reclaim Today Initiative in 2023. Walt was one of thirty students chosen from across the nation’s Bible schools to participate in a writing and design workshop.

Walt Reynolds

On campus undergraduate student at The Institute for GOD.


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