Christian Jobs Initiative

So that Christ may be all in all.


100% of Institute graduates received a job offer in a Christian workplace, school, church or nonprofit upon graduation.

We plan to keep that up.

How’s it work?

Institute for GOD students gain experience through our innovative Professional Development (ProDev) program, giving them exposure and training in a workplace where God is honored. Upon graduation from our program and completing our ProDev model, all graduates receive a job offer in a field they gained experience in throughout their undergraduate experience.

Professional Development

Students get a taste of the workplace before graduation. Gone are the days of no-brainer college jobs. Our students get to investigate future career opportunities through our unique ProDev program that helps them afford their education.

Live your Faith … at Work

Work makes up a huge portion of our life. To think God isn't concerned with running a business or providing excellent service is a mistake. We believe he wants to be all in all, and we're thrilled that our graduates are carrying him there through their work!


What kinds of companies hire Institute grads?


Hear how The Institute prepared these alumni for their successful careers.