Pres. Gregg Garner offers free course on following Jesus through persecution and suffering
The course will be offered free of charge to Institute students through a special scholarship from the President.
Recently, a few faculty members sat down with President Gregg Garner to discuss upcoming courses at our college. As we prayerfully considered the needs of our students (present and future), President Garner suggested offering a new course that would give a venue to discuss the challenge of following Jesus amidst really hard times. We loved the idea.
For us as a ministry, and maybe for you personally as well, the global pandemic has been only the beginning of a myriad of painful, complicated situations that challenge Jesus' call on our lives. Whether its sickness, mental health, the fear created by media, depression, loss, injustice, or death, it’s easy to relate to the Hebrews 12 exhortation to “throw off every weight and sing that so easily entangles.” This course is a step of obedience, to take a look at the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us — faithful men and women who have endured through suffering and persecution—and to continue running the race with perseverance, looking to Jesus as our example.
In this special course, titled "Vocational Theology: Following Jesus through Persecution and Suffering" President Garner will explore things like:
How do you recover from personal loss and tragedy?
How do you choose faith over fear when the media endlessly reports on death?
How do you respond when people slander and speak falsely about your name?
This unique course will explore key passages that will help us keep our way in Jesus. We'd love you to join us, in person (in the Institute's NEW educational space!) or online.
Our new 12,000 square foot facility is completed! On August 22 The Institute staff hosted students and alumni for their first look at the space.
Because our college believes this is such a necessary course for our historical moment, we are offering it FREE of charge to all individuals enrolled in an Institute program, thanks to a special scholarship provision from President Garner.
If you have not yet enrolled in an Institute program, you can register for this course as an individual course option, or you can enroll in a program today!
We pray you’ll consider joining us for this unique opportunity to learn from Mr. Garner, who himself has endured countless persecution and trials and yet, remains faithful to Jesus’ call on his life.
Course Dates: September 22 - November 16
Time: Wednesdays 4-6 pm
Location: The NEW Institute Educational Space (or online)