Why a Bible College is better for Christians than a Liberal Arts School

College is when most Christian young people "make their faith their own"... or lose it altogether. Barna estimates that roughly 70% of high school students who enter college as professing Christians will leave with little to no faith. By the end of your 20s, 80% of those who grew up in the church will abandon their faith

The best way to guarantee your faith survives the college years is to put time into learning it and doing it with the accountability of a Christian community. 

Romans 10:17 "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." 

How can you expect your faith to grow without the input of God’s Word? While most liberal arts colleges begin as Christian institutions, they do not aim to protect and nurture someone's faith the way a Bible college community does. 

Liberal arts colleges aim to give a broad understanding of various skill sets that may be needed in the world. A Bible college does something much more specific. It centers students on a vocational calling to follow Jesus, immersing them in the Scriptures and defining the ministry of Jesus as the way to approach all occupations/careers. 

A Bible college promotes God's Word as THE necessary subject to study during the most formative years of your adult life. Investing in a biblical education is the key to an enduring faith in Jesus.

After your Bible education, you'll be equipped with God's insight to bring good work to the mission field, the medical arena, the film industry, or the business sector. All of this is to gain because you took the time to learn Christian values derived from God's Word and not just Christian culture. Without it, you risk becoming that kind of salt that has lost its flavor. Jesus says it is no longer any good except to be thrown out and walked on. Don't let the world walk all over you; become a disciple and learn the Word of God. 


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