Dr. Marty Harris of Latin America Bible Institute speaks in Institute Chapel
Dr. Marty Harris is a member of the Commission on Accreditation for our accrediting agency, the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Through that relationship, he’s become a great friend and encourager to our college and ministry.
Students at the Institute for G.O.D. were fortunate recently to have Dr. Marty Harris, President of LABI College, located in La Puente, California, come speak during their weekly chapel time.
Dr. Harris, drawing on his own dynamic story of discerning the voice of God in his calling to be involved in full-time ministry, shared a very relevant message of faith with students.
Referring to the story of Joshua in the Old Testament, Dr. Harris spoke with students about the need to be strong and courageous and faithful and obedient in the midst of decisions they are making about their career paths.
Students, staff, and alumni gathered to hear Dr. Marty - a specialist in his field of psychology, and a man of faith seasoned in ministry and Christian higher education.
As students at the Institute consider the capacities they want to develop and occupations they want to explore, Dr. Harris encouraged them to not make choices based on what option offers the most financial gain, or what is easiest, but rather as a result of trying to listen to the voice and will of God.
He told stories of tough decisions he has had to make over the years in doing ministry and how God’s reminder to him to be strong and courageous coupled with faith and obedience is what has helped him experience the nearness of God in his life.
He exhorted students that God needs them to show up, to make themselves available to him, to move forward in their journey of faith despite the various fears that could otherwise stop them. While life brings its moments of fog where we can’t always see the path forward, Dr. Harris reminded them that it is important to not let fear dictate our lives, but rather faith working itself out as we discern and do God’s will.
Whenever we have a guest on campus we take time to pray for them and their ministry. Dr. Marty was no exception and received the prayers of students, staff, and alumni.
Dr. Harris, who is himself involved in evaluating biblical high education programs across the country as a member of the Commission on the Association for Biblical Higher Education, has become acquainted with the Institute through our accreditation journey. He took time in chapel to encourage students that they are involved in a program birthed of faith and courage based on everything he has learned about its foundations and its unique educational approach.
A seasoned grant writer himself, Dr. Harris also took time during his visit to host a grant writing workshop for the managers of various G.O.D. Int’l programs.
We are very grateful to Dr. Harris for taking time out of his already demanding schedule to visit with the Institute’s student body. Thank you Dr. Marty for teaching and exemplifying for our students a journey of faith characterized by God’s faithfulness in return.