The Institute Blog

Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads

College Conversations, Choosing A College Website Contributor College Conversations, Choosing A College Website Contributor

S2E8 College Conversations Podcast: Will Anyone Hire Me with my Bible Degree? (Summary & Transcript)

In this episode of College Conversations, Jeff Sherrod, President Gregg Garner, and VP of Enrollment and Marketing Laurie Kagay discuss how colleges prepare students for the workforce. They explore the disconnect between graduates' readiness and employers' expectations, highlighting the importance of practical experiences and skills beyond a degree. The podcast also touches on the Institute for GOD's innovative approaches to addressing this issue.

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S2E5 College Conversations Podcast Transcript: “Does anyone do Discipleship Like Jesus Anymore?” Part 2 (Transcript)

Gregg, Jeff, and Laurie discuss the topic of discipleship on college campuses and the various programs available. They highlight the misconception that discipleship is solely about one's relationship with God and emphasize the importance of interactions with others, and college as the premier venue for discipleship (even above church). Listen and check out what cooperation is necessary between churches and colleges for discipleship to occur effectively.

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College Conversations, Institute News Laurie Kagay College Conversations, Institute News Laurie Kagay

For Release: The Institute for GOD Launches “College Conversations” Podcast

The Institute for GOD has launched its first season of “College Conversations” — a podcast for college goers and their parents, facing a very different academic, economic, and social climate than previous generations. Hosted by Gregg Garner and Jeff Sherrod, the show invites interested students and families into discussions that range from the cost of college, the point of college, making friends, studying abroad, mental health, and more. It’s available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.

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