From the Field Philippines: Students Living A Mission

Written by Brittan Botzom

The SLAM service plunge was just a few days long, but one thing evident this summer is that when you invite God in, no matter how much time you have, he shows up every time. (When two or more are gathered in my name). The LORD did more than I even expected (Eph.3). As I’ve been planning and preparing for this event, I've been praying for each student in attendance. As a former SLAM student who was touched and transformed by God’s word, the opportunities to serve, and leaders who saw me and spoke into my life, I was prayerful that these students would have a similar experience and that they would come with open hearts so the Lord could move. The LORD Showed up like he does every time.

Jason Carpenter brought the Word from Colossians 3:1-3 encouraging the students in who their identity can be found, in addressing the voices in their head and culture telling them who they should be and pointing them to recognize the heavenly agenda they can carry out on earth when they find their identity in Jesus. Leafa led Worship for the event, and the Immersion team, alongside the Tahanan young adults, led small groups and Service projects, along with so many others working behind the scenes, ensuring everything came together and that we were being sensitive to the Lord despite the plan we had set in place.

Our time together was limited, but the testimonies of the students were evidence of the many prayers that had been answered throughout our time together. 

In my experience with SLAM, I came in as a very nervous and shy little girl who was scared to speak up but who loved God and was hungry for his word and good friends to learn and serve alongside. The Lord has taken me from that shy girl who was afraid to speak into a woman who has been empowered by God’s word. I got to share this testimony with the students, encouraging them to open themselves up to God because he wants to start that work in them now. 

I was rejoicing through tears as they testified to “Feeling God's presence through times of worship,” feeling confident to speak up even though they are usually shy 'because God is in me and he is with me’, and many of them testified to being treated like family and being so thankful for the new friends they had made.

This event was a special moment for me as someone who has been taught and transformed through SLAM to now be a part of creating a safe space where more youth who have been bruised and broken by this world get the taste of the goodness of God.


From the Field Philippines: Malaya Means Free


From the Field Uganda: SLAM Conference