The Institute Blog

Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads

Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor

From the Field Philippines: Reflecting On Challenges

Hear a testimony from Simon Liley from the 2024 summer South East Asia immersion team as he reflects on the challenging circumstances he’s witnessed. One of the most difficult things for him being to hold onto the stories he’s heard as well as the realities of poverty that he’s seen around the world with the critical lens that God gives us.

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Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor

From the Field Philippines: Malaya Means Free

South East Asia immersion team this summer gets the opportunity to host a weekend Leadership Bible Retreat for invited leaders from our campus & community in the Philippines, providing for them intensive times in worship, Bible study, and fellowshipping together. The hope of the time was to make known to them about God's building project, which is his children.

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Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor

From the Field Philippines: Students Living A Mission

South East Asia immersion team this summer gets the opportunity to facilitate a SLAM week for the youth present. With the weeks theme being: ‘Reck’nize: Who you are & where you at’ pulled from Colossians 3:1-3, read Brittan Botzom’s testimony as to how God is using her team and moving in everyone there.

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Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor

From the Field Philippines: “What we do here is what we do there!”

South East Asia immersion team this summer gets the opportunity to to facilitate Camp Skillz (summer camp) for 28 kids. Hear from Tresa Botzom and her personal experiences getting to witness the replication of a program that started in Nashville get effectively duplicated within the Filipino context.

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Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor Missions, Student Perspectives, From the Field Website Contributor

From the Field Philippines: Lifting Up The Poor

Hear a testimony from Isaiah Aaseby from the 2024 summer South East Asia immersion team as he reflects on the lessons he’s learning from the Bible and experience in a third-world country. He writes; “It’s humbling to come in contact with the poor, and uncomfortable. The uncomfortability isn’t bad, in fact it can incite us to call on the Lord if we choose to.”

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