Scripture Meditation: James 1:22-25

Student studying the bible and meditating on scripture

Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re pleasing God? It can be a hard thing to discern. Self awareness is an art that’s crucial for us to master so that we can progressively  perfect ourselves in the Lord. 

Even then, how do you know when you’re really changing? Can we see ourselves? Like really… right now can you see what you look like? No. Yes, you can pull out your phone camera or look in a mirror, but that is just a perception of your actual self. However, we can see one another for who and how we are. 

Change doesn’t happen overnight. You must put the work into changing those small and large ways of living that have yet to be perfected in God’s word. For example, when you want to start gaining some muscle, listening to podcasts and reading books on weight lifting is not going to be enough. We wish it was, but we have to go into the gym ourselves and do the work. 

James 1:22-25

22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Observations from the Text

  • Listening is not the accomplishment. (V. 22)

  • The antidote for self deception is DOING. (V. 23)

  • We are creatures who naturally forget things. (V. 24)

  • God’s word is not restricting, it frees us. (V. 25)


Friends praying together.

Prayers of Response

God who frees me, thank you for promising your blessing to me as I work to be a doer of your word. I love that the result of your word within me is freedom! 

Prayers Requests

When I neglect to be actionable with the word I’m learning, help me to turn to a friend for accountability. 

Patient teacher, please aid me in approaching my times of self-evaluation with humility and a joy to be learning from you!

Prayers of Readiness

Jesus, as I practice your word in my everyday life, I look forward to the things that you reveal to me. I will do my best to be intentional with my contemplations from your word and then live it out with the people you place in front of me. 

Institute for GOD student Genesis Garner wrote this piece as a part of the ABHE + Reclaim Today Initiative in 2023. Genesis was one of thirty students chosen from across the nation’s Bible schools to participate in a writing and design workshop.

Genesis Garner

Full-time undergraduate student at The Institute for GOD


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