The Institute Blog
Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads
From the Field Uganda: Immersion Testimony from Jesse
GOD International Immersion Particant Jesse Grooms testifies about how the Lord has led him, his immersion project, but moreover, the overarching project God has been doing in him.
From the Field Uganda: WorkWell Program Begins in Uganda!
The launch of the program: WorkWell, in East Africa this summer has employed 6 teenage workers with one of the most important jobs there is - cooking! This team of Ugandan WorkWell employees has had the opportunity to cook meals for the team of summer interns as well as ministerial leaders from Kenya and Uganda who have been traveling and ministering with the summer interns.
From the Field Uganda: Serving those in Need
Walt Reynolds, immersion participant, shares about a full week of ministry alongside the Summer Internship team.
From the Field Uganda: SLAM Conference
Blake Botzum writes from Uganda about the facilitation of a SLAM week, on the other side of a program that changed his life.
College Conversations S1E5: Mission Trips - More than Just Travel (Podcast Transcript)
Gregg Garner and Jeff Sherrod converse with Institute alums Ashley Moore and Nick Sherrod about the significant role of mission experiences during college. Through their personal stories, Ashley and Nick shed light on the importance of international service and travel, illustrating how The Institute for GOD incorporates these experiences into student education for profound personal and academic growth.