From the Field Uganda: Immersion Testimony from Jesse
Jesse Grooms (right) writes about his Immersion II experience in Uganda, where he headed up a project to get better internet stablity to the GOD International campus in Uganda.
Written by GOD East Africa Immersion Participant, Jesse Grooms
I want to testify to the Lords faithfulness. When I was 18 I made a decision to follow the Lord, but I lacked direction and even the confidence for what I was going to do while being a servant to God. But after graduating The Institute, I now see the role that I get to play and I get to say it was following after God and learning his word that what I do for my occupation is what I also get to do to serve God.
I am a manager for an IT company. I manage projects, connect networks, and do other low-voltage projects. I would have never have thought that I would be in the position that I am in. Saying Yes to God put me on a trajectory that has gotten me excited to being in the occupational field I am in.
Victor, from Kenya, a youth GOD International has provided an educational sponsorship to since he began school, is now apart of our ongoing work. He had the chance to learn from Jesse this summer about creating a stable network.
This summer I carried out a project to increase the stability of the internet on the GOD International campus in Uganda. Being able to work with two Ugandan youth (Victor and Barnabas) on our networking project was really exciting!
I got to see the faithfulness of the Lord by demonstrating and teaching a subject that I never thought I could. And doing it with my brothers from the US, Kenya, and Uganda was really special. I have really been blessed by God, I get to work with one of my best friends (Blake) in the States and I got to work with him here in Uganda and we were able to do what we do back in the states, here in Uganda.
A group of best friends formed this summer. Pictured is the East Africa immersion team alongside East Africa Summer interns and trainees. Jesse picutred back row, best friend Blake taking the selfie.
I prayed for direction and purpose when I was 18. Through my educational journey, God has shown me that direction by giving me a capacity in networking and low voltage. God has shown me the purpose I have as his son to be a man that understands technology in light of Gods Word and to use it to bring educational opportunity to my friends in East Africa, who wouldn’t otherwise have access.
I would not be here if it wasn’t for my mentor Skylar Aaseby, who has gone before me and help me with understanding the networking field, and being patient with me as I become the resource that has the capacity to be effective. It is because of his patience and willingness to help me which has allowed me to then teach others.
Jesse Grooms (left) alongside Summer interns and GOD international leadership staff in Uganda, 2024.
On one of my last days, I gave a sermon about remembrance and how it is the human condition that we have selective memory, but it is a spiritual activity to engage remembering what God has done for us and it has to be a shared memory. The history of Israel is our history. Their stories are our stories. I talked about how I was a person who once had bad selective memory and how I can be a complainer. But God has humbled me multiple times and helped me to remember the calling on my life. I know I’m supposed to be a faith-filled steward of the resources I have, including knowledge, so that I can teach my friends and equip the next generation.
Fellow immersion participant Blake Botzum runs lines for increased network stability in Uganda.
The project that I started, became a project that wasn’t completed by me. It was completed by a team: myself, Blake, Walt, Victor, and Ssubi. We completed all of the prep work so that when the time comes, the campus will have reliable internet for everyone. I am very thankful for the opportunity that I had to come and to work on this project. And I’m thankful for the East Africa leadership that helped push me. And I’m thankful to God for his faithfulness in my life, he has never failed me, even when others have. I want to be faithful, because “freely you have received so freely you should give,” and I have a lot more giving to give before my race is over.
I’m sad to leave Uganda, I feel more conviction and drive to continue to work hard so that I can continue to partner with my friends so they can do for themselves.
I wish I could stay longer. But I know I will be back, with more knowledge and expertise so I can continue to build up my friends so they can continue to grow in their capacity.
Thank you!
Summer Internship trainee Joseph, alongside immersion participants and lifelong friends Walt and Jesse, taste-testing food in the kitchen.