The Institute Blog
Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads
S2E33 - What Are College Years For?
In this episode, Jeff, Gregg and Ben explore the significance of “the college years.” Are they solely for learning? Should students rush into work? Should they be free from concerns of career and financial stability, or challenged to figure it all out now? Tune into the discussion based on biblical principles.
What if I Don’t Know What Major I am Going Into?
One of the strange aspects of modern higher education is that students graduating high school are expected to know what occupation they want to pursue. This is strange because high school students have generally not had the kinds of experiences that could help them discover what occupation they are suited for. In light of this lack of experience, students are left with introspection and best guesses. Read more to learn what to do if you don’t know what major you’re going into.
How Much Does the Institute Actually Cost?
The average Institute for G.O.D. student graduates with zero debt, and thus spends no time working to pay it off. And with their ProDev program, students can actually graduate with four years of work experience under their belt, and if that’s not already enough, students are guaranteed a job offer upon graduation. Awesome, right? But how is this possible? Read more to learn how this is possible!
5 Reasons College is Better than Youtube
Skill development doesn’t come through a lecture; It happens in the type of homework that is assigned to you and the graduated challenges of a curriculum. And that’s not even the half of it when you broaden your view and look at all the non-intellectual skills…
Dual Enrollment: A Cure for Senioritis
If you're a high school senior and just ready to be done, try dual enrollment. Maximize your time, explore a college option, and gain credits at the same time. The Institute is offering a dual enrollment course this Spring called Mission-Driven Service, designed to prepare you for your summer mission experience.