Dual Enrollment: A Cure for Senioritis
It’s when high school seniors are just ready to be done. Often, they’ve even finished up a majority of their credits and are just waiting until graduation and the “next step.”
An excellent cure for senioritis, or anyone who wants to get ahead, is dual enrollment.
Dual enrollment allows a high school student to enroll in a college course while still in high school and begin gaining credits toward their college degree.
Almost every college offers dual enrollment, and often at a discounted tuition price.
It used to be that neighboring colleges would make it available to high school seniors. Anymore, seniors can find all sorts of dual enrollment options online. Of course, if you live near a college campus and depending on your high school schedule, you could even opt to be present in the classroom.
Dual enrollment gives you a jump start on your college experience, enabling you to finish your college degree faster.
You’ll get a taste of what college is like by participating with college students in the classroom, physically or virtually. This can not only open your eyes but possibly give you ideas for things to work on in the months leading up to your college entrance.
The Institute for G.O.D. is now offering a dual enrollment course titled “Mission Driven Service” at a 50% discount from our typical tuition cost.
Plus, any student who enrolls full time at the Institute will receive their tuition cost back in the form of a scholarship applied to their first year on campus. It is truly a no-risk scenario!
Consider getting a jump start on your college experience through enrolling! “Mission-Driven Service,” designed specifically for young people who want to serve the Lord on the mission field. This course will help you stop guessing if your efforts are actually making a difference. It will equip you with the tools you need to make your service count.
The class pairs perfectly with G.O.D.’s Summer Internship. “Mission-Driven Service” will give you a significant boost in your international experience. The assignments will help you prepare for the specific people you’ll serve in El Salvador, Kenya, and Uganda.
So if you’re stuck, counting down the days until college, you might as well just start! Get your feet wet and learn what it’s like, so when you start, you’re not only better prepared, you already have some credits in hand.
Learn More about G.O.D.’s Summer Internship
40 days. 4 countries. 12 plane rides. 200 hours of Bible Study and worship. Expert Leadership.