The Institute Blog

Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads

Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

20 Most Useful Websites for College Students

College is all about learning, and if you plan on doing well, one of the first things to learn is how to be efficient. Thankfully, there are some really great websites out there which can save college students loads of time. Keep reading to find some useful websites to aid you in your studies!

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Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

7 DO’s to increase your cultural awareness

Misunderstandings can cause serious conflict, and a huge factor in how we go about understanding people is by the culture we were raised in. Thus, it's common to have misunderstandings when people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Keep reading to learn how to enrich your cultural awareness…

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College Conversations, Institute News, Missions Website Contributor College Conversations, Institute News, Missions Website Contributor

College Conversations S1E7: Gap Years - Life Changing Break or Delayed Future? (Transcript)

Gregg Garner, Jeff Sherrod, and Laurie Kagay are joined by Josh Beers, President and Founder of OneLife, a gap year program operating across the US. In this discussion, “Coach Beers” delves into the importance of discipleship and the distinct advantages a gap year provides for students uncertain about their future steps. This episode is particularly insightful for those considering a break from traditional academic paths to explore personal growth and vocational clarity,

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College Conversations S1E5: Mission Trips - More than Just Travel (Podcast Transcript)

Gregg Garner and Jeff Sherrod converse with Institute alums Ashley Moore and Nick Sherrod about the significant role of mission experiences during college. Through their personal stories, Ashley and Nick shed light on the importance of international service and travel, illustrating how The Institute for GOD incorporates these experiences into student education for profound personal and academic growth.

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Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

50+ Movie Ideas for Development Workers

If you’re an aspiring development worker or missionary, there are a lot of films with lessons and ideas which will make watching it worthwhile. Here are four lists categorized by documentaries on broad social issues, documentaries on specific people or situations, movies based on or inspired by true stories, and fiction movies. Remember to use discernment and openness to God as you explore concepts that may be foreign, surprising, or even jarring to you…

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