The Institute Blog

Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads

Student Life, Choosing A College Clark Miller Student Life, Choosing A College Clark Miller

How Much Does the Institute Actually Cost?

The average Institute for G.O.D. student graduates with zero debt, and thus spends no time working to pay it off. And with their ProDev program, students can actually graduate with four years of work experience under their belt, and if that’s not already enough, students are guaranteed a job offer upon graduation. Awesome, right? But how is this possible? Read more to learn how this is possible!

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Student Perspectives Walt Reynolds Student Perspectives Walt Reynolds

A Prayer for Friendships

Every human being needs friends. Sometimes it can feel like it’s impossible to genuinely connect with others, whether it’s because of personal insecurities or seemingly impenetrable cliques. But the truth is, God wants people to be close to one another, to be honest with each other and let love be genuine

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Student Life Benjamin Reese Student Life Benjamin Reese

Why Beginning College Can Cause Anxiety, and What Students Should do About It.

By leaving home, we detach ourselves from the reference points of how we were once known. We have to create a new self-image in the eyes of others. As we struggle to get others to see us as valuable and special, even small gaffs or failures can feel catastrophic. But where do these ideals for our self image come from? How do we choose how we want to be seen by others? Strangely enough we don’t usually choose them at all…

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Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

Cell Phones on Mission Trips: Is it Worth it?

There are both pros and cons when it comes to having participants bring cell phones on mission trips. Will it distract them from their mission or does bringing them along for emergency situations make it all worth it? Here are some topics for consideration when discussing cell phones on mission trips…

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College Conversations, Missions, Choosing A College Website Contributor College Conversations, Missions, Choosing A College Website Contributor

College Conversations S1 Finale: Third World Travel - The Ultimate Learning Experience

In a special episode recorded during a break from filming The Institute’s feature on The College Tour, Gregg Garner, Jeff Sherrod, and Laurie Kagay are joined by show host Alex Boylan. Alex, an avid advocate of higher education, travel, and adventure, shares his perspective on why spending time abroad is an integral part of a student’s education. Tune in to learn about the unparalleled learning opportunities that travel offers and why it's a must for students seeking a well-rounded educational experience.

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Genesis Garner Genesis Garner

A Prayer for the Bereaved

God is the giver of life, so when we’re faced with death it is only natural to turn to him and ask, “why has this happened?” God doesn’t cause disasters, chaos, or death. Every human being contends with life events such as these and the beauty of being his children is that he has promised to go with us through them

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Living Your Faith, Missions Clark Miller Living Your Faith, Missions Clark Miller

The Alumni Factor: What Faithful Alumni Says about a Bible College

It’s common for college graduates to feel a connection to their alma mater. While some may simply cheer for their sports teams on t.v. or passively promote the school to potential applicants, others go hardcore when it comes to showing their support for the college from which they graduated. When it comes to choosing a Bible college, consider looking at the school’s alumni…

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Living Your Faith, Missions Clark Miller Living Your Faith, Missions Clark Miller

Can I still serve God without being a Pastor or Missionary?

Lots of people want to serve God, but many don’t feel they necessarily fit with pastoring a congregation or advancing God’s kingdom overseas. Is there still a possibility they can serve God without being a pastor or missionary? Is God happier with them than he is with others who are just a part of the congregation and not in front leading?…

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Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

20 Most Useful Websites for College Students

College is all about learning, and if you plan on doing well, one of the first things to learn is how to be efficient. Thankfully, there are some really great websites out there which can save college students loads of time. Keep reading to find some useful websites to aid you in your studies!

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College Conversations S1E12: Building Leaders - Is College the Secret? (Transcript)

Benjamin Reese and Jeffrey Sherrod join Institute President Gregg Garner for a vital discussion on cultivating leadership skills in college. This episode examines how traditional college approaches may fall short in nurturing leadership qualities, essential in today's world and job market. The trio delves into the necessary changes colleges must adopt to effectively foster leadership among young people. It's an insightful episode for students, educators, and anyone interested in the evolution of higher education to meet contemporary leadership challenges.

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Missions Clark Miller Missions Clark Miller

7 DO’s to increase your cultural awareness

Misunderstandings can cause serious conflict, and a huge factor in how we go about understanding people is by the culture we were raised in. Thus, it's common to have misunderstandings when people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Keep reading to learn how to enrich your cultural awareness…

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College Conversations S1, E11: Employers’ Confession: What They Really Want from Grads (Transcript)

Join Gregg Garner and Jeff Sherrod as they sit down with Amanda Aaseby, manager of Hopewell Family Care, and Chris Cameron, manager of Genovations Media, to discuss a critical question: What are employers looking for in college graduates? This episode offers a deep dive into the expectations of today's job market and examines if recent graduates are truly prepared to meet these standards. It's an informative session for students, educators, and anyone navigating the transition from academic life to professional endeavors.

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College Conversations Season 1, Episode 10: Professional Development: A New Era - Announcing The Institute’s ProDev Program (Transcript)

Join Gregg Garner, Jeff Sherrod, Benjamin Reese, and Laurie Kagay in an exciting announcement of The Institute's Professional Development (ProDev) program. This episode sheds light on how the ProDev program provides Institute students with a unique Christian workplace environment. Here, students can enhance their occupational skills, graduate debt-free, and step into the professional world with both experience and a job offer in hand. This conversation is key for anyone interested in how faith and professional development can be seamlessly integrated in an educational setting.

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College Conversations S1E9: Finding Purpose - Does College Hold the Key? (Transcript)

Explore the crucial role of college in vocational development with Dr. Carlos Serrano, President of Manna University, and The Institute's Benjamin Reese. This episode delves into how Bible education influences a student's identity and purpose within the Body of Christ. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in the impact of theological education on personal and vocational growth.

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