Five Tips for College Entrance Essays

College Entrance Essays Tips

Writing a college essay can feel like a daunting task. While it is an important task, consider it an opportunity more than an obligation.  It’s dedicated time to reflect, even for yourself, on what, why, when, where and how you want to continue your education.  Consider these 5 tips as you plan to write.  

Be yourself. 

There is nothing more important than bringing your own style, unique communication skills and honest thoughts to the table when you write.  Especially when you are writing an essay which is intended to help people understand what kind of person you are. 

Author James Clear says, “Don’t write to sound smart, write to be useful.” Being useful in a college entrance essay has everything to do with genuinely conveying who you are.  So as you plan to write, ask yourself, “What is truly unique about my story that will be relevant and of interest to reviewers?”

Know the parameters of your essay. 

As you prepare to write a college entrance essay, know that schools have different requirements for what they expect on an entrance essay.  Whether it’s the questions being asked or the number of words you are asked to write, reviewers want to know that you have enough care to write and reflect within given parameters. Be unique in what you communicate, don’t try to stand out by writing too much or answering a question that was never asked. Stick to the topic. 

Outline main points before you write. 

More often than not, essay questions are broad. Reviewers do this so that they can receive varied responses and leave room open for creative response.  While creativity is expected, it shouldn’t take away from clarity.  

Outlining your essay (I know! What is this, English class?) before you write will assist you in communicating a cohesive message to readers.  It’s too easy to wander into unnecessary tangents if you don’t give yourself a roadmap for getting from your introduction to your conclusion.  

Write specific to your audience. 

If you have chosen a college or university for a specific reason, or know the direction you want to go with your college education, be forthcoming and specific about this in your essay when appropriate.  Reviewers love to know that you are pursuing education with a purpose and not just going down this path because it’s the next cultural step into adulthood.  

If you want to be a teacher or artist or business professional, communicate the personal reasons for this and also the reason for considering doing it at the particular institution to which you are applying. 

Get feedback from the right people. 

As is common to us all, we don’t always communicate as clearly as we would like.  Involve someone in your essay writing process who is a skilled communicator and who will give you honest and constructive feedback.  Ask them what main points they took away from the essay and consider whether or not that information matches what you intended to communicate.  


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