The Institute Blog
Thoughts on Jesus, Education, and Life from Faculty, Students & Grads
Immersion Testimony by Olivia Lasater
In this testimony, Olivia reflects on her transformative immersion experience in India, where she witnessed how God's Word brings hope and change to lives. Through teaching, fellowship, and encountering profound challenges, she shares stories of faith, growth, and the tangible impact of God's love and provision.
From the Field Uganda: Immersion Testimony from Jesse
GOD International Immersion Particant Jesse Grooms testifies about how the Lord has led him, his immersion project, but moreover, the overarching project God has been doing in him.
From The Field Uganda: Students Living A Mission
This East Africa Immersion trip, Erin Gammill shares how she’s been blessed with the opportunity to help implement the first SLAM program in Uganda. She loved being behind the scenes and doing tasks to bring organization to the event, as well as getting to help with healthcare needs there.
From The Field India: Serving With Friends
Olivia Lasater shares her experiences being abroad on Immersion in India and how thankful she is for her education in the Bible. She testifies to the relationships she has and is building—she connects this to how important friends are to Jesus.
From the Field Uganda: Serving those in Need
Walt Reynolds, immersion participant, shares about a full week of ministry alongside the Summer Internship team.
From the Field Uganda: SLAM Conference
Blake Botzum writes from Uganda about the facilitation of a SLAM week, on the other side of a program that changed his life.
S2E22: College Conversations Podcast - “What I Learned On Mission Abroad & Why I Want To Go Again! - Part Two” (Transcript)
Join Institute for God professors Jeff Sherrod, Laurie Kagay and headmaster Gregg Garner as they discusses with Institute student; Jacob Oliveira his summer internship mission trip to Uganda, emphasizing intentional planning and transformative impact on one's relationship with God.
From the Field El Salvador: Focus on the Kids
Sara Giguere, a student at The Institute for GOD, is on her six-week immersion trip in El Salvador. She shares insights from her journey, highlighting the community's shift from dependency to empowerment and detailing the mission's significant impact on local residents and volunteers.
From the Field El Salvador: Week One Update from Lauren Garrison
Lauren Garrison gives a week one update from her Immersion to El Salvador concerning her time so far, and what their plans are for the month. Look forward to more updates like this throughout the month.
College Conversations S1E5: Mission Trips - More than Just Travel (Podcast Transcript)
Gregg Garner and Jeff Sherrod converse with Institute alums Ashley Moore and Nick Sherrod about the significant role of mission experiences during college. Through their personal stories, Ashley and Nick shed light on the importance of international service and travel, illustrating how The Institute for GOD incorporates these experiences into student education for profound personal and academic growth.